Healing in Community

The Power of Ketamine-Assisted Group Therapy

Mind & Body Ketamine Retreats

Collaboration and Customization

Since the middle of the 20th century, researchers from institutions around the world put significant time and energy into researching the benefits of psychedelic medicines on various mental ailments. To keep their research as controlled as possible, many of these studies looked into the effects these modalities had on an individual in a private setting.

The results were profound. Study after study proved the case that for many individuals, these substances were significantly effective in providing relief for those who suffer with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. While not 100% effective for everyone, we’ve found that our patients at Mind & Body Wellness Center have benefited significantly from their ketamine sessions.


Since the middle of the 20th century, researchers from institutions around the world put significant time and energy into researching the benefits of psychedelic medicines on various mental ailments. To keep their research as controlled as possible, many of these studies looked into the effects these modalities had on an individual in a private setting.

The results were profound. Study after study proved the case that for many individuals, these substances were significantly effective in providing relief for those who suffer with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. While not 100% effective for everyone, we’ve found that our patients at Mind & Body Wellness Center have benefited significantly from their ketamine sessions.


Collaboration and Customization
Collaboration and Customization

While individual ketamine sessions have been proven to be safe and effective, what happens when ketamine is taken in a group setting? For several years now, researchers have put their attention into answering this question. And they’re discovering what indigenous populations around the world have known for hundreds, if not thousands, of years – there’s significant power in participating in group medicine work, such as a ketamine retreat. Ketamine retreats are a great opportunity to experience this work in a safe, inclusive container that allows for a shared experience.

Participating in a ketamine retreat, where you and several others are treated together, offers many things that can empower a person to stay on the healing path. Aspects of this work that differ from an individual session include the following.

Ketamine Assisted Psychedelic Retreats

Ketamine Therapy Consultation

Sharing Your Experiences / Hearing Others. Being seen and heard can have profound healing effects. You’re no longer going this alone, and when you share your experience in a group setting you may feel relief that you’re no longer hiding what you’ve gone through. The same can be said about hearing other people’s stories and feeling that you’re not alone.

Group support. For many, healing done alone can be challenging. But when your healing journey is brought into the light and witnessed by others, this can be motivation to stay on the healing path. Accountability can play a significant role in helping you continue to do the work.

Connection. The act of connecting with other human beings who are also on the path to healing and self-growth can deepen your connection to your own work in these arenas. Whether you connect with your fellow retreatants for just a couple of hours, or a few days/weeks post-retreat, you’ll find that it can take this work up a level and really help to enhance the experience.


What to Expect

With a Mind & Body Wellness Center ketamine retreat, you’ll experience a weekend of deep internal work in a shared setting. We take the time to get to know you before the retreat with our specially designed protocol to make sure that your specific needs are addressed. This includes a health intake form to make sure that you’re well-suited both mentally and physically for this particular modality.

Our program starts on Friday evening in a warm, comfortable environment. We’re firm believers in maintaining the proper set and setting, so your comfort and safety is our top priority. We begin things with a delicious meal prepared by a local chef. Any and all dietary requests will be honored. We’ll make our introductions and start to settle into the work that’s ahead.

After dinner, we meet as a group and begin to drop into the intentions each participant has set for the deep work that will happen the next day. We’ll discuss what you should expect from your ketamine sessions, the integration work we’ll facilitate that will help you make sense of what you learned, and ways you can use your own innate creative abilities to deepen the work. We’ll end the evening with some light breathwork before getting settled into bed.


On Saturday, we start the day with some gentle yoga to ground ourselves with our bodies and begin to wake up to the healing we’re about to experience. As ketamine can produce feelings of nausea, we will be fasting until after the first session is complete. It’s important to stay hydrated, so we will have water and tea beforehand.

Ketamine Session #1

You’ll be invited to sit in one of our “floating chairs” where we’ll get you set up with a weighted blanket and pillows. We’ll get you perfectly situated and talk through your intentions. We’ll also have a gratitude ceremony so that you can sense into the gift of healing that you’re giving yourself. Before beginning, we’ll do some guided breathing exercises that will help you relax and prepare you for the work that’s to come.

The session should last between 45-60 minutes. We start you off with a dose that’s tailored to your weight. At about the 20 minute mark, we’ll ask you how you’re feeling and if you’d like to go deeper. If the answer is yes, we’ll administer a booster.

Immediately after the session, and as you’re coming back into your body, there are some light integration exercises you can choose from. This is a very chill period of time that offers you an opportunity to reflect on what you’ve just experienced.

A light lunch/snack will be offered which will be enjoyed with minimal conversation.

In the early afternoon, we’ll gather in a circle and share what you’ve just experienced. Sharing is optional and you have every right to opt out, but we do encourage you to listen to what the other participants have to share about their experience.

After our circle, there will be a bit of free time before gathering again for our second ketamine session of the day.

Ketamine Session #2

For this session, we’ll have a good idea of what your optimal dose is, so that’s what we’ll start you off with. The structure of the session will be the same as the one in the morning. If you wish to go deeper this time around, that option will be available.

Like before, light integration exercises will be available as the effects of the ketamine start to wear off.

Dinner will be provided and we’ll again observe a period of quiet and reflection as we nourish our bodies.

After dinner, we’ll gather again for a group integration session. This will be a time to share some of the thoughts and reflections you’ve had as a result of the day’s ketamine sessions. We’ll talk about how to capture these learnings and ways to continue the integration process for the days and weeks ahead.

After our circle is free time, and if the weather is nice, we encourage you to get outside to enjoy the fresh air. One-on-one integration sessions will be available with one of the facilitators, so if this is of interest to you please make sure to sign up for one of the slots available.


On Sunday, we’ll start the last day of our retreat with some light yoga. Breakfast will be served immediately after.

We’ll gather one more time in a sharing circle and reflect on our time together. If any new insights came to you over the course of the evening, this is a great opportunity to share them. We’ll also use this time to talk about how to continue integration and incorporate practices that will help you during this critical phase.

After our sharing circle, we’ll have one-on-one integration coaching sessions available with our facilitators. We’ll help you put a plan in place and offer suggestions for practices you can incorporate into your day to help you take full advantage of this critical phase.

Post-Retreat Integration

While the ketamine sessions can be incredibly powerful, the bulk of the work comes after the retreat. The integration phase is a time of heightened neuroplasticity where you take your learnings from the retreat and synthesize them into something useful for the long term. We will equip you with practices that you can take home and try, and also offer an online group sharing circle that will meet once a week for the four weeks immediately following the retreat. This is optional, but we encourage you to participate if you can.

Preparing Your Support System

Integration can be a rocky road, so it’s important to inform the people around us about the changes they could see in us as we navigate the integration process.

Coming out of a ketamine retreat, you could experience heightened sensitivity. Anytime we experience something as profound and soul opening as medicine work, re-entry into the “real world” can be a challenge. Something may shift inside us and we might see ourselves, and the world, in a new light. This can be jarring and great care needs to be applied as we navigate the integration phase. Those around us may notice we’re more sensitive to external stimuli and how we react to these stimuli may not match up to the expectations our loved ones have of us. It’s important for them to know beforehand that this could happen and that this heightened sensitivity could last a few weeks – even for a month of two.

Typically there’s nothing to worry about. In very rare cases, people might experience what’s called a spiritual emergence.

Emma Bragdon, Ph.D, describes a spiritual emergence as a “… process of personal awakening into a level of perceiving and functioning, which is beyond normal ego functioning. At its peak, spiritual emergence is the experience of the ultimate unity of all things, a mystical experience, a merging with the Divine which transcends verbal description. Among the positive effects of this process are increased creativity, feelings of peace and an expanded sense of compassion.”

If this occurs, it’s important to have go-to resources to help you navigate it. At Mind & Body Wellness Center, we’ve teamed up with trusted professionals that we can refer you to.

There can also be an impulse to make dramatic changes in your life. As part of the integration process, we’ll help you slow these impulses down and direct your focus towards practices that will help you determine what actually needs to change. Preparing those who support us that we’re hoping to make changes after the retreat can potentially stave off any resistance that might come up if we were to suddenly spring this on them.

Meet Your Facilitators

Tim Brady Ketamine Certified Guide

Tim Brady

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam maximus nec felis non luctus. Donec mollis, erat id aliquet condimentum, erat nulla volutpat tellus, nec vehicula enim odio vel libero. Aliquam rutrum scelerisque enim et rutrum. Mauris molestie, velit gravida consequat mollis, ipsum nisi facilisis arcu, in ultrices dui turpis vitae libero. Cras semper lectus ante, et auctor enim efficitur vitae. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sodales gravida malesuada. Praesent quis metus eros. Donec quis tortor et enim ultrices fringilla id eget nibh. Duis interdum placerat ullamcorper. Sed lacus lorem, dictum id ligula vitae, ultrices maximus velit. Phasellus ultricies turpis in ligula consectetur, eget faucibus leo venenatis. Maecenas bibendum nisi nibh, cursus auctor odio ornare eget. Sed nulla velit, sodales tempor enim ut, convallis ultricies mi. Fusce et aliquet tortor.

Mauris tincidunt feugiat finibus. Proin quis diam lectus. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris egestas dolor magna, at ultricies eros feugiat sit amet. Proin a commodo sapien. Praesent faucibus, nisl at convallis sodales, odio metus malesuada urna, in posuere tellus urna ut odio. Sed et luctus lorem. Suspendisse id odio mauris. Quisque finibus, lectus eu consequat maximus, turpis risus condimentum nunc, in egestas ex libero sit amet lacus. Ut eget justo euismod, ultricies quam in, maximus nisi. Aenean viverra dui a dolor semper accumsan. Donec placerat quis tortor id fermentum. Duis dignissim mollis leo pretium vestibulum. Aliquam auctor fringilla tortor ut aliquam.

Tim Brady Ketamine Certified Guide

Tim Brady

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam maximus nec felis non luctus. Donec mollis, erat id aliquet condimentum, erat nulla volutpat tellus, nec vehicula enim odio vel libero. Aliquam rutrum scelerisque enim et rutrum. Mauris molestie, velit gravida consequat mollis, ipsum nisi facilisis arcu, in ultrices dui turpis vitae libero. Cras semper lectus ante, et auctor enim efficitur vitae. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sodales gravida malesuada. Praesent quis metus eros. Donec quis tortor et enim ultrices fringilla id eget nibh. Duis interdum placerat ullamcorper. Sed lacus lorem, dictum id ligula vitae, ultrices maximus velit. Phasellus ultricies turpis in ligula consectetur, eget faucibus leo venenatis. Maecenas bibendum nisi nibh, cursus auctor odio ornare eget. Sed nulla velit, sodales tempor enim ut, convallis ultricies mi. Fusce et aliquet tortor.

Mauris tincidunt feugiat finibus. Proin quis diam lectus. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris egestas dolor magna, at ultricies eros feugiat sit amet. Proin a commodo sapien. Praesent faucibus, nisl at convallis sodales, odio metus malesuada urna, in posuere tellus urna ut odio. Sed et luctus lorem. Suspendisse id odio mauris. Quisque finibus, lectus eu consequat maximus, turpis risus condimentum nunc, in egestas ex libero sit amet lacus. Ut eget justo euismod, ultricies quam in, maximus nisi. Aenean viverra dui a dolor semper accumsan. Donec placerat quis tortor id fermentum. Duis dignissim mollis leo pretium vestibulum. Aliquam auctor fringilla tortor ut aliquam.

Matthew Helt

Matthew Helt is a Certified Psychedelic Integration Coach, as well as an ICF-certified Growth & Development Coach and Certified Presence-Based® Coach.

Matthew spent the first two decades of his career working both in corporate settings and as a multi-time entrepreneur. Having been through the grind of the business world, he felt called to serve entrepreneurs and other business leaders and opened up his coaching practice, Prairiesattva, in June of 2020. While many of his clients come to him because they need help navigating the ins and outs of their rapidly growing businesses, Matthew’s primary focus is on the leaders themselves. Stress, burnout, depression, and anxiety plague business leaders due to the pressure-cooker nature of running a business. He helps them put practices in place so that they place a high priority on their health, instead of sacrificing it for the sake of the business.

Mathew Helt Mind Body Wellness Center certified journey guide
Mathew Helt Mind Body Wellness Center certified journey guide

Matthew Helt

Matthew Helt is a Certified Psychedelic Integration Coach, as well as an ICF-certified Growth & Development Coach and Certified Presence-Based® Coach.

Matthew spent the first two decades of his career working both in corporate settings and as a multi-time entrepreneur. Having been through the grind of the business world, he felt called to serve entrepreneurs and other business leaders and opened up his coaching practice, Prairiesattva, in June of 2020. While many of his clients come to him because they need help navigating the ins and outs of their rapidly growing businesses, Matthew’s primary focus is on the leaders themselves. Stress, burnout, depression, and anxiety plague business leaders due to the pressure-cooker nature of running a business. He helps them put practices in place so that they place a high priority on their health, instead of sacrificing it for the sake of the business.

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Mind and Body Wellness Center
Mind and Body Wellness Center

©Mind & Body Wellness Center, LLC 2023. All rights reserved.


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P: 402-203-5269
F: 402-502-3112


2808 S. 80th Avenue

Suite 160

Omaha, Nebraska 68124